Wednesday, October 17, 2012

You're on the right path

Barbara called the school because they marked Rachel absent in first hour.  She is able to see her daughter’s grades in real time.  Isn’t that terrifying?  Barbara said on this end of a phone call, “I don’t think my daughter has a teacher with that name.  Is it a substitute?” It’s not.  Barbara just didn’t know.  Which is strange because she constantly remarks on Rachel’s grades, she just doesn’t know how to do anything about it.  
For instance, she had been assigned a paper several weeks ago.  Because that’s how they prepare kids for college where papers will be due in a few days.  By dragging them out for weeks.  But Rachel hadn’t done any work on it.  Then, as goes the story, the teacher yelled at her.  Even “bugged out his eyes” at her.   But Barbara was trying to get hold of the teacher because her daughter just didn’t understand how to do the paper.  Rachel reportedly tried to stay during the lunch period one day, but the teacher said she had to go to lunch even though she doesn’t eat.  She’s actually been saving her lunch money but still asking her parents for money all the time.  

It’s hard to focus on one thing when I’m overhearing these phone calls. So much gets thrown at me.    

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