Monday, August 27, 2012

Manufactured emotions

 John’s talking about some card that he found at target for Jackie, and he said it almost made him cry.  Seriously?  There’s something mass-produced on a greeting card at target that can affect him to the point of tears?  What the fuck?  Those are manufactured emotions.  I guess it’s not like he can really put his own thoughts into words.  Honestly, I would be surprised if he can read good. 
He’s constantly on the phone with some member of his family.  Talking about the wedding and the guest list and the food and his plans for what he’s going to do to make himself feel like a fucking Don Juan.  He will stay on the phone for tens of minutes.  Usually, the only thing that will get him off the phone is if somebody comes up to his cubicle.  Even then he’ll make them wait.

He just said he doesn’t have time to sit here and talk to a co-worker for fifteen minutes about something small but he can be on the phone for ten or twenty or forty minutes at a time with family members or future wives about a wedding.  Pick your battles and remember why you’re fighting. 

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